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A Multi-Reservoir MFD-Based Traffic Simulation Platform

Universite Gustave Eiffel



FleetPy is a simulation framework to model and control the tasks of vehicle fleets (routing, user-assignment, charging, ...)




Pedestrian simulator by Eleonore Fauchet, ENTPE intern, as part of her second year engineering 16-weeks internship at Universite Gustave Eiffel, supervised by Ludovic Leclercq and Mahendra Paipuri.

Universite Gustave Eiffel



The Trajectories from Urban Multimodal Drone Observations of Traffic – Munich (TUMDOT-MUC) dataset contains trajectories from videos recorded with drones in Munich, Germany, in October 2022. A total of 12 drones were used to observe 6 spatially continuous locations for more than 3 hours each on two weekday afternoons. The spatially and temporally linked data from the 700 m long section along Rheinstraße is currently in the final phase of post-processing. The second recording day (October 12) is now available and can be downloaded. The first day will be published soon.




UTD19 is a large-scale traffic dataset from over 23541 stationary detectors on urban roads in 40 cities worldwide making it the largest multi-city traffic dataset publically available. The Institute for Transport Planning and Systems ETH Zurich collected the data in a research campaign from 2017-2019. The data mainly consists of measurements from loop detectors, which record vehicle flow and occupancy (or speed) in relatively small aggregation interval, typically 3-5min. The location of all detectors and the associated roads have been geo-coded in WGS84 coordinates making map matching as easy as possible. Its use is open to researchers from all over the world.




pNEUMA is an open large-scale dataset of naturalistic trajectories of half a million vehicles that have been collected by a one-of-a-kind experiment by a swarm of drones in the congested downtown area of Athens, Greece. A unique observatory of traffic congestion, a scale an-order-of-magnitude higher than what was not available until now, that researchers from different disciplines around the globe can use to develop and test their own models.



Our Mission

* Foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to address the complex challenges of large-scale traffic management. * Promote open science by sharing data, research findings, and methodologies. * Develop innovative solutions for improving traffic efficiency, reducing congestion, and enhancing sustainability. * Advance the field of traffic flow theory through cutting-edge research and analysis.


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